Soma Ghosh Monica’s poems

My Father
I saw a man with a golden heart
I saw a man is true to his word..
I love a man without any conditions
The man love me more than anythings
I know a man who always try to makes me happy.
I trust a man blindly, who never prove me blind
I know a man who cares about me.
I know a poor man, but he is honest
I know a man who is not royal but loyal.
Oh world do you know? Who is he?
He is none but my poor, honest father.
Voice of Child
I could clearly remember
The tender voice of the little child
Who is the father of all mankind?
The tender milky voice ordered me,
wake up wake up, lazy -lazy bird,
Go and bring the burning sun.
And write down the luck of your's
The luck of today's universe.
 By the ink of hard labour,
If you wanna be shine like the burning sun.
The sun of hope and pure love,
Burn burn and burn yourself like the sun.
I waked up and saw a white feather,
a white feather of heavenly bird on my chest.
Heard the tender milky voice.
The tender voice of a white little child,
Who is the father of all mankind?
Ode on the hope of life
Ooh! stormy -stormy nights, wait for the ending,
Time has invisible fairy wings,
 It flies dream to dreams.
If love has pain, has the happiness of heaven,
Ooh! dreamy bad dark nights, I have to leave.
I have to leave, I have to leave, I have to leave,
I have to leave for the dazzling golden morning.
Ooh! dear life, my life, please keep me in peace,
I became all in, I became all in, oh my dreams.
Ooh, my dear sarcastic society, I have to leave,
I have to leave; I have to leave for the last kiss.
I have to kiss, have to kiss the valley of golden tulips,
Sun shines, behind the woods of mandrakes,
life rising, with a cup of liquor, I saw a phonix to dancing.
Time again goes against the troops of Paris,
Now I believe in, the kiss of golden tulips.
I have the wings, wings of fire.
Makes me unique, makes me fair...
Oh wings, wings of love and hope
Makes me unbeaten to cope...
Take me higher and higher
Now I could touch the blue sky...
I can hear the song of rain
The drops of the sweet rain
Makes the universe
Fertile, plenty and fresh.
I got the fairy wings of Phoenix...
That makes me strong and unique...
The Last Kiss
Chariot of time, 've the wings of fire
wings of fire, furious to the light...
Uff, wings of fire chariot, stop
And let me kiss to the sweet lips
One more kiss on the lips of thee...
To the flawless beauty of time.
Oh! Thetis, My lovely sweet mom,
 Let me kiss, to the immortal lips,
The lips of Death and Divine.
I wanna, sleep on the lap of thee,
I wanna taste the immortality
Wanna suck the wine of life.
By putting a drowsy kiss, on her lips.
Oh, time, Spark of fire, Furious time 've you the
Wings, wings of fire stop a moment,
I wanna kiss the throne of Trojans.
Just stop for a while, Ohh Sun the God
God of power and life, just stop, just for a while.
Let me kiss on the lips of immortally,
She is none but my pearl of ocean.
My Sailor
Sailor Sailor oh my beloved sailor...
Please stop, stop for a while
I wanna give you the heart of mine
Stromy strong deep darkest nights,
Nights of the sorrows, anxiety and fights.
I wanna be the sweet dreams
Of that's ugly, cruel, nightmare nights
Please be my lover knight.
Sailor, Sailor Oh my sweet Sailor,
Please give me the love knots
Just for the last time.
Be my passion, hope and destination.
I'll give you the happiness of divine,
Just stop, stop for a while,
I Wanna be your sunshine
The love Beggar
Ooh, Cupid, suck my lovely lovely lips
I wanna be your loyal Psyche,
Thou liquor of lips, makes me crazy...
Ooh! my love my lovely winged boy.
wanna suck the wine of juicy lips.
Thou snow white wings, buttery cheeks,
Makes me, drunk, I wanna lick thou neck.
Thou, dazzling sight, makes me furious,
Ooh, God of love, suck my juicy petal lips.
I wanna die for thou, for the last kiss!
You Aren't the Unsung Hero
Soma Ghosh Monica
Hark, Terrestrial, if you wanna to bind time,
Just keep working, working and working,
Till the last deep-drawn sigh of worthless life Aah this worthless faint life.
Sporadically, Time will be your humble servant,
Oh Hero, Time never passes, remember.
Never forget who is brave, who is brave and Warrior of Times in Dairy of history,
Time will remember the destroy of Toy.
In this flawless cruel, colorful, world battlefield,
If in the waters of the Mississippi, Huaughu, Nile,
As the tide goes, Egypt is lost in the sand.
Every lip will sing your hymn, O Hero, Hero of Trojans.
Maybe the world will be drifting in the stream of time,
Unworldly eternal youth of furious sun forever.
Even if a bird sings in that transition of earth,
A fawn gazes at the greenish scary wild,
History will remember you, till the last breath of the world.
Oh warrior of time, prince of Troy,
Hector, the mighty sun of heroes,
Every battle-drum of war-strategy will remember.
You aren't an evening star. You are a warrior.
Wise, beloved son of hopeless father,
Consolation of sweet lonely wife and lovely child forever.
A patriot, a hero, a great poetry of time's war.
Time never forgets the real warrior ever.
Time remembers the brave as like as
The sun remembers the morrow.
Time give the world to remove the darkness of sorrow.
You are not any unsung wild flower,
A rhythmic song bursting out in a tired throat of wayfarer.
You are a great warrior of warriors,
Time will remember you as long as the earth breathes.
Hector my warrior you aren't an unsung hero of betrayed world as always.

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